A student's view of MagiKats

When Mum and Dad said I’d be getting help with Mathematics and English, I was nervous. I’d be the new kid; as MagiKats students do workshops in groups. I wasn’t sure I needed help, but I did know I was only ‘average’. I met the MagiKats Principal, Emma, and she was really nice. We chatted about how I felt school was going, and how I was doing in my subjects. This was good because nobody asks me what I think, normally. I told her all the best bits, ignoring the not-so-good bits. After all, who wants to know that stuff?

Emma asked if I’d mind doing some questions to see what MagiKats Stage I could work at. A MagiKats Stage equals how far along I am in subject knowledge. Even I could tell by the end of the work I had some gaps to fill. Normally, I would have been unhappy about this, but Emma explained that it was fine that I didn’t know everything yet – I’m not meant to! I hadn’t thought about it like that before.

MagiKats Workshops – My Timetable

I started MagiKats. I now attend once a week for Mathematics with Peter, and then over to Anne for English. I go on the same day of the week for both sessions. This works out well for Dad, who picks me up. Everyone at MagiKats is really nice, and it always feels like a place I can be myself and learn what I wish.

MagiKats Workshops – My Homework

Who would be mad enough to agree to extra homework? Well, me, that’s who! MagiKats homework is five days of the week. With one day off, and the other day at MagiKats workshops, makes seven. I’ve had to get into a routine. Mum says this will help me later in life. I’m not sure about that, but as I get prize stamps for completed homework – I do it!

Each homework task is ten minutes, and even though that might not seem a lot, I’ve found it’s already helping me get better at school tests. Especially maths ‘mental’ tests and English spelling and grammar tests. This is great because, as I mentioned already, I used to be just average. If I can’t do something, I leave it out and Emma helps me when I go for my session. I love that bit – I used to argue with Mum or Dad when they tried to help!

Two more happy students in a MagiKats workshop

MagiKats Maths Groups – Good Fun

Mathematics starts off with games. It might be a number wrap-up or matching cards and I love this bit of the workshop. We do one maths topic for about four weeks and then change-over – which I really like because I don’t get bored. Right now the topic is fractions. The workshops start off easy, and get harder and harder the more I get into the topic. By the end I’m really having to use my brain.

When I first joined the group, it was like I knew nothing. A few weeks in, I realised Peter really helped me and other students in the group did too.  I’m surprised that bits of maths that used to seem really hard seem easier now. I’ve been on the best work board a few times, and every week I get workshop and homework stamps towards prizes. I get a prize every few weeks when I fill up my stamp card, and recently I went up a MagiKats Stage and got a prize for this too.

A MagiKats student with their mentor

English with MagiKats

Firstly, English workshops are totally different to school. There are games and words wrap-ups at the start, and lots of practise with, grammar and apostrophes, spelling, reading, drafting and generally being creative. The best thing is, it isn’t writing all the time. It is more like exploring English.

Doing well on my MagiKats English benchmark test surprised me. I used to freeze-up a bit with written tests, even though I understood the questions. Recently, I sat a pre-SATs test at school. I did better than I’ve ever done! The 40 minutes in workshops fly-by so fast, and I really love English now. At school I can explain what I know, instead of always asking for help. I am more confident.

I started this off by saying I was surprised when my parents wanted me to get help with maths and English. I’m so glad they found MagiKats, as I can say for sure my school work has improved so much. I am much more confident at school in general and after parent’s evenings I get hugely spoiled! I enjoy MagiKats and look forward to going each week of the year – including school holidays if I am around.

This article is based on a collection of experiences from students attending our MagiKats workshops. Each child has their own, individual programme and their comments will vary. From the team at MagiKats HQ